Our Students
Our Students' Research

- Will Funk "Manufacturing Mirages and Desert Dreams of Postwar Phoenix: 1944-66" - Cosgrove Award Winner
- Jane Harris "Talk About Trauma" Mining Disasters, Memorial, and West Virginian Resistance" - Duniway Award Winner
- Grace Andrews "Constructing Motherhood"
- Sarah Burnham "The Intersection of Science and Society: Anatomical Illustrations of Women in Renaissance Europe"
- Sabrina Brewer "Reconcilation Before Reparation: Confronting the 1898 Wilminton Massacre and its Legacy"
- Javier Cantu "Memory, Marginalized: The Forgotten Jesuits and Hispanos of Conejos, Colorado"
- Scott Cunningham "1971 and the Death of the Gold Standard by Richard Nixon"
- Jolie Curran "The Bloody Circus: The Sex Pistols as Bakhtinian Carnival"
- Ben Gellman "A Legal Genealogy of Descent from Slavery in the British Atlantic to the 2001 World Conference Against Racism" - Extended Thesis
- Chili Hopkins "Nonsense in a Nonsense World: Internalizing the Absurd in Soviet Russia"
- Turis Jessen "Vivencias De La Calle: The Eroding Mexican State"
- Cormac Mccrimmon "Tierra Y Libertad: How Historical Conflict on the Sangre De Cristo Land Grant Shaped the Struggle for La Sierra"
- Patrick McGinnis "Political Actvism in Sport"
- Henry Nichols: Why We Dared: The Final Frontier"
- Aaron Pachtman "The Imperial German Navy: The Premier Instrument of Kaiser Wilhelm II's Personal Monarchy to Kepp a Teetering Ship of State Afloat, 1888-1918"
- Christian Roberts "How the New Deal's Rural Electric Cooperative Delivered Southern Economic Growth at the Expense of Equity"
- Caroline Sharp "Imaginign Apocalypse and Utopia: The Military-Industrial Complex in Colorado Springs"

- Jacob Roschelle - Portraiture of Wilheim Voigt: Memory, Morality, and National Identity -William R. Hochman Winner.
- Hope Moody - Fabricating Medical Fact: Indigenous People, Tuberculosis, and White Exceptionalism in Colorado - Duniway Award Winner.
- Nell Dickey - The Myth of Racial Progress in American Politics: North Carolina, A Cautionary Tale.
- Nathaniel Blower - Neutral Principles and Some Second Coming Problems.
- Hanna Ioffe - Teen Spirit v. Repressive Desublimation: A Critical Examination of Seattle's Alternative Music Scene.
- Ellen Loucks - The Spiritual Integrity of Puritan Community: Youths, Moral Challenge, and Church Discipline.
- Danny Corrigan - Reframing French Integration and Belonging: Ni Putes Ni Soumises as a War Machine.
- Charlotte Atkins - The California Missions: Unearthing Stories of Indigenous Resistance.
- Brice Tucker - Deconstructing the Jazz Canon: From New Orleans to New York City.
- Arielle Gordon - Ratifying the 1963 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
Image: Nob Hill Lodge for tuberculoisis patients- Credit to CPSM Story Of Us Archive

- Eric Dallesasse - Heads Will Roll: An Analysis of Altered Memory Surrounding Marie Antoinette into the 21st Century - Duniway Award Winner.
Gabriel McGill - The Chronicles of ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti: Conceptions of Science, Modernity, and Religion in Early 19th Century Egypt - Cosgrove Award Winner.
- Mary Kate Maloney - The Construction of the Origins of Clerical Celibacy as a Political Tool.
- David Henderson - The Second Amendment: Americans Final Defense Against Tyranny.
- Molly Dunn - Bottled Nationalism: Examining the Chauvinistic Underpinnings of France’s Modern Wine Industry.
- Alexander Berardinell - The Evolution of Racism in Hockey and the NHL’s Response.
- Christopher Wilkie - The 1972 Summit Series: Canadian Nationalism and Cultural Identity Through Hockey.
- Lily Fitzpatrick - Antifeminist Women: 20th Century Traditional Family Values and the American Christian Right.
- Connor Nolan - The 1919 Race Riots and the Manifestation of the “New Negro” Movement in Chicago.
- Daniel Feder-Johnson - We’re Gonna Fight Racism with Solidarity’: The Rainbow Coalition in Chicago, 1968-1970.
- Isabella Lawrence - Out of Time: Photographic Representations of Kabyle Identity.
- Caitlin Laurence - The Fate of the Hmong: The Interplay of Tribal, National and International Governments in Laotian Civil War.
- Benedict Wright - Worlds in Tension: Pragmatism and Critical Theory.
- Robert Schilling - They’ll Pass You By, Glory Days’: Bruce Springsteen and the Runaway American Dream.
Image of Marie Antoinette by Martin van Meytins - provided by Wikimedia

Jasper Coulter - Copyright and the Evolution of Legal Systems: Assessing the Divergence of American Legal Culture from British Tradition - Cosgrove Award Winner.
Abe Lahr - Authentic History and Narrative Hermeneutics in George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia - Duniway Award Winner.
- Truett Davis - Pain Management as a Framework for Understanding the Evolution of Chinese and Western Medicines in the Twentieth Century: Herbs, Opium, and Acupuncture Analgesia.
- Hailey Dennis - ‘Can We All Get Along?’: A Comparative Study in Print Representation of the Los Angeles Riots of 1992.
- Joseph Brasch - Strike Won: Comparing Responses within the Federal Government to the 1994-1995 MLB Strike.
- Ben Israel - Detroit’s Sports and Economy: the 21st Century.
- Otis Hatfield - American Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Iraq: FM3-24 History in Practice.
- Jake Chase - Mapping History: Oceans, Empire, and the Age of Commerce.
- Charlie Britton - Railroads, Romanticism, and the Branding of the Front Range by General William Palmer.
- Richard Yates - Contours of Class Consciousness: Landscape Representation in the Cripple Creek Strike of 1903-04.
- Maximillian Vivado - Bloodless Capital: Meat, Politics, and the Rise of the Public Abbatoir in Nineteenth-Century Paris..
- Will Bemis - The Evolution of the Sicilian Mafia and the Challenges the Sicilian Mafia Presented to United States Democracy in the Twentieth Century.
- Fleur Pellet - Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Shaping of a Modern American Culture.
- Westin Michaud - How Advanced Technology Vanquished Aztec Civilization in 1521.
- Catherine Luchars - The Politics of Contestation: Rafael Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution.
Image of patent for J. J. Hentz Bicycle, 1899. Public Domain.
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History Council
The CC History Council are history majors/minors who meet each block and put on history-themed events that speak to and inform our modern day problems.
2022-2023 History Council:
Story Wolf-Tinsman*
Nick Connolly*
Ryan Wyly*
Juanye Hairston
Emmie Weprin
Isabel Alter
Adrianna Gautreaux
Mathew Silverman
Hongli Zeng
Kate Wang
*elected as steering members
2021 - 2020 History Council:
Jane Harris
Turis Jessen
Chili Hopkins
Adrianna Gautreaux
Quinn Jones
Henry Nichols
Nick Connolly
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